
165 lines
8.8 KiB

import imageio
import os
import sys
import logging
import time
# TranstarArchive Image GIF Combine PY
# author: iRaven (
# Started 11/22/22.
# version="2022.11.22"
# Configure logging
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s',
log = logging.getLogger()
# log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # use this for debugging
log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # use this for production
arglist = sys.argv[1:]
#time -- if this will ever be used? logging takes care of this
initcurtime = time.localtime()
curtime = time.strftime("%H-%M-%S", initcurtime)
curdate = (f'{initcurtime.tm_year}-{initcurtime.tm_mon}-{initcurtime.tm_mday}')
global imagespath
global dateinput
# valid feeds list to iterate thru
# TODO: make this user supplied for older folders maybe
vftxt = open("valid_feed_list.txt", "r")
vfdata =
vfeeds = vfdata.split("\n")
def initgifFolder(path, date): # makes sure gif folder exists for date provided in a certain path
if not os.path.exists(f'{path}/{date}/gifs'):
log.warning(f"gifs folder in {path}/{date} does not exist, creating it")
else:"gifs folder in {path}/{date} exists, ignoring check")
def gifCombine(path, date):
# images=[]
initgifFolder(path,date) # make sure gif folder exists for date provided
joinedpath = os.path.join(path, date)
# print(joinedpath) # debugging- comment this out on prod !!!
for feednum in vfeeds:
images=[] # list of images found to append to output gif image for each feednum (resets with nothing for each feednum)
for filenames in sorted(os.listdir(joinedpath)): # for each file in provided path dir
if filenames.startswith(feednum): # if a file starts with the current feednum
# length check!! (this bit me in the ass)
# print(len(filenames.split('_')[0])) # debugging
if len(filenames.split('_')[0]) == len(feednum):"found {filenames} that starts with {feednum}")
print(f"found {filenames} that starts with {feednum}")
if filenames in imagenames: # fsakdjfjaksldfjklasdfjklakljdsxf holy shit so many checks! see if a file name has already been added to list for gif
log.debug(f'found {filenames} already in {feednum} filename list so NOT adding to list AGAIN')
#"") # not sure what i was doing here
#if os.path.isfile(f'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif'): # check if a file exists so we don't waste time with imageio reading contents
# (TODO: may improve if ran earlier and new feeds are added?) (this is that LOL) (nope this doesn't really work)
#"gif file for {feednum} already exists at \'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif\', not creating again and moving on...")
# print(f"gif file for {feednum} already exists at \'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif\', not creating again and moving on...")
imagenames.append(filenames) # append found file names to list for adding to imageio reader appending list
log.debug(f'found {filenames} that starts with {feednum} HOWEVER isn\'t right length')
log.debug(f"{filenames} does not start with {feednum}")
for files in imagenames:"applying image {files} for {feednum} in {joinedpath}")
print(f"applying image {files} for {feednum} in {joinedpath}")
images.append(imageio.imread(f'{joinedpath}/{files}')) # append whatever image found that starts with current feednum to list
#TODO: this gives a deprecated error about imread because of course it does.
except ValueError:
log.debug(f"a corrupted file has been detected! {images}")
log.error(f"a ValueError has occured on {feednum}, maybe due to a corrupted .jpg file that may have been appended.")
log.error(f"{feednum} ValueError: {joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif will not be created and ignored.")
images.remove(files) # maybe this will remove only the file that got fucked up?
# log.debug(f"all images found to be saved: \n{images}") -- this generates way too much bullshit
log.debug(f" all images to be saved in a gif: \n{imagenames}")"saving {feednum} gif file with all images collected of it on {date}...")
print(f"saving {feednum} gif file with all images collected of it on {date}...")
log.debug(f"checking if gif for {feednum} already exists")
if os.path.isfile(f'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif'): # check if a file exists so we don't create it again (TODO: may improve if ran earlier and new feeds are added?)"gif file for {feednum} already exists at \'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif\', not creating again and moving on...")
else: # if file doesn't exist already, make it
imageio.mimsave(f'{joinedpath}/gifs/{feednum}.gif', images, duration=0.2) # save a gif image for each feednum in date folder provided with .2 secs between each frame"gif should be saved and created successfully. moving on to next itieration...")
print("gif should be saved and created successfully. moving on to next itieration...")
def MainMenu():"main menu started")
print("TranstarArchive gifCombine App")
print("this program will combine any feed images archived by TranstarArchive for a specific date you provide")
# print(" ")
print(" ") # line breaks? LOL
print("first, let's start off with a path where all your images are stored, which must contain specific date folders.")
print("normally this path is in the folder you ran this script in, /archive.")
log.debug("prompting user for path selection choice, default or custom")
menuin1 = input("please type Y if this is correct or N to enter a different folder path: ")
menuin1 = menuin1.lower()
if menuin1 == "y":
imagespath = "./archive""images path was set to default /archive folder")
elif menuin1 == "n":
log.debug("user chose to enter a custom path to be scanned")
menuin2 = input("please type a custom path here for gifCombine to scan: ")
log.debug(f"user inputted {menuin2}, now checking if this path is actually a thing")
if os.path.exists(menuin2):
imagespath = menuin2"user inputted path {menuin2} EXISTS, going on...")
log.error(f"user inputted path {menuin2} DOES NOT EXIST, trying again...")
print(f"the path you entered ({menuin2} couldn't be found, please try that again!")
MainMenu() # this feels incredibly chaotic, a function calling itself LOL
# exit() # ^ if that doesn't work or breaks things tremendously, fuck it
exit() # fuck it if that selection wasn't y or n. not sure what to do, i'll improve this later (2022/11/22)
# TODO: valid_feeds_list file input
print(" ") # line breaks? LOL
log.debug("prompting user for date selection choice")
print("second, you'll need to choose which date do you want to combine gifs for. ")
log.debug(f"getting dir listing of {imagespath} for date selection")
print("here is a listing of the directories in the path you provided earlier.")
menuin3 = input("type in the folder with the date you want gifCombine to iterate through: ")
# TODO: formatting error correction
dateinput = menuin3 # just declare it here
print(" ") # line breaks? LOL
log.debug("prompting user for confirmation")"final options before confirmation: path={imagespath}, date={dateinput}")
print(f"before we start, you have chosen your file path as {imagespath} and the date to work through {dateinput}")
print("this may take a while depending on how many images are to be processed.")
menuin4 = input("type in \"startrans\" to continue and start processing: ")
if menuin4 == "startrans":
# go!
print("making sure folders are set up...")
initgifFolder(imagespath, dateinput) # make gifs folder in specced dir
print("preparing for epic sonic rainboom...")
print("now starting to gif combine!")
gifCombine(imagespath, dateinput) # go bitch
exit() # exit when done
exit() # fuck off
# arguments
# TODO: wait fuck that's not really a good idea rn lol
# start program"TranstarArchive's gifCombine was STARTED!")